Hi Friends!

Welcome to the party.

I’m Haley Reagan.

In 2021, I weighed myself and saw a number over 320 pop up on that scale. I was exhausted, depressed, and stretched to breaking point. In February 2021, I did something wild…I decided that I wanted more from life than my current reality.

& I went for it.

By November 2021 I had lost over 80 pounds. No quick fixes or crazy shortcuts here. I put in some hard freaking work. I worked out most days of the week and I started eating real food. My body changed drastically, but even more fun was my mental health shift. I believe in myself, like real deal “Yeah, that sounds hard, but I can do it. I can do hard things!”…That sentence will shake your life up in the wildest ways.
From 2022 to 2023 I went from 42% body fat to 28% and increased my muscle mass by 32 pounds. Fast forward to today and I am still in this amazing journey of becoming the very strongest sister you’ve ever seen. Because muscle is hott, and also: I love being able to lift the dog food on my own at Costco and I love knowing that I could carry both my kids out of my house if there was a fire and I love that I’ll take my grandkids hiking at my favorite spot because of the work I am putting in now to be healthy then.

In all this, I realized I want to help you too. I am so over women staying silent in injustice, staying weak because they think they have to be skinny, and thinking that putting the needs of those around them in front of their health is what good moms/wives do.

We are calling BS on these lies through gritty life change.

Available Courses

Movement Restart

An 8 week transformative journey designed to revitalize your fitness routine and ignite your passion for movement. This comprehensive course seamlessly blends high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with dynamic dumbbell workouts to sculpt your body and supercharge your endurance. Tailored for beginners, each week builds upon the last, gradually increasing in intensity and complexity to ensure steady progress and sustainable results.

Zero to 5k Trainer

Embark on a transformative journey with our Zero to 5K training program, designed to take you from novice runner to confidently conquering 5 kilometers. Whether you're lacing up your sneakers for the first time or aiming to improve your pace, join us as we guide you step by step towards your running goals.